Simbex CEO Rick Greenwald on Head Impact Monitoring in Sports

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Last week, Simbex CEO Rick Greenwald presented at the ASTM Sixth International Symposium on Safety in Ice Hockey, where he discussed the evolving value of Head Impact Monitoring (HIM) in sports. As one of the pioneers in the field of HIM, he walked symposium attendees through HIM history showing how the value of the technology continues to evolve as the various stakeholders interests and understanding of HIM has evolved – including researchers who see great value in collecting and interpreting the head impact data, to clinicians who strive to find clinical utility in the HIM data, to coaches and teams who see value in HIM as an integrated tool to reduce head impacts via knowledge and education. He challenged the hockey safety world to shift its perspective of HIM from a tool for characterization and regulation to a tool for injury prevention and preparation.

The perceived value of Head Impact Monitoring evolves as the stakeholder evolves.

More information on the ASTM Symposium can be found here.

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