Simbex Co-op Spotlight: Kavita Baradur

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Kavita Baradur has been working with Simbex as a Spring 2018 Engineering Co-op. Learn more about her in our latest Co-op Spotlight below.

Karnataka, India

Where do you go to school?
Worcester Polytechnic Institute

What are you studying
Master of Science in Information Technology

What are you working on with Simbex?
During my co-op, I’m working on web application development with the software team.

What have you liked about your co-op experience so far?
The working environment at Simbex is great and the people are very helpful.

What drew you to Simbex for your internship?
The “innovativeness” of the company attracted me, I am so excited to be part of this team.

Any advice for future co-ops?
It is a great opportunity for learning and you will get to work with people in different domains.

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