We Chose to Go to the Moon

Every month, I try to offer some perspective on Simbex and how we strive to improve the world in which we live. This month, I thought I would share the reason I love the medical device world, through words from a speech you probably know well.

Sixty years ago, on September 12th 1962, John F. Kennedy delivered his famous “Moon” speech at Rice University in Houston:

“We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too.”

We consistently remind our team that our customers come to us not because the problem they are trying to solve is easy, but because what they are trying to do is hard. That is what drives us forward, and is why I love our world of medical devices.

We are often combining mechanical design, electrical design, firmware, software, sophisticated algorithms, communications, mobile apps, cloud services, and clinical dashboards in an environment with significant regulatory, reimbursement, supply chain, distribution, and acceptance/testing expectations. And by the way, while you are overcoming all of these challenges, the landscape will shift and you may have to pivot along the way.

To do this well, to overcome the challenges and to ford the valleys of death, it takes a village. So next month, I hope you will consider attending the Medtech Collaborative’s Annual Conference to meet with Simbex and the members of the village you will need to achieve your moonshot.


Greg Lange, MS

Chief Operating Officer

MedTech Gurus

MedTech Guru’s Podcast

MedTech Gurus Podcast caught up with Simbex CTO Jeff Chu to discuss topics like product validation, a lesson learned on engaging regulatory as early as possible, and the future of personalized medicine –– it’s a great listen!

Simbex to Deliver Welcome Address at the 2022 Northern New England MedTech Conference

Simbex is proud to support the MedTech Collaborative. Connect, learn, and share knowledge with fellow founders, investors, and experts at the Northern New England MedTech Conference on Wednesday, October 12th!

From the Simbex Bench: IPX3-IPX6 Ingress Testing

Fail Fast and Early: Ingress is a high-risk requirement when designing a medical device enclosure, and a failure during certification testing can be very costly.

By the time a device reaches certification testing, it has already undergone substantial effort in development, tooling, and prototyping, so it is important to mitigate failure risks through iterative testing to create a high degree of confidence in the design as early as possible in the process.

In a Scaled Demo this month, Simbex Engineer Jeff Meyer-Lorentson shared a test fixture for determining waterproofing levels in medical device enclosures, combining an existing IPX1-IPX2 fixture with IPX3-IPX6 ingress testing capabilities, to do it all in one place.

Interested in seeing more?

September 28-29 | Join Us at BioMEDevice Boston

Our team is looking forward to exhibiting at the BioMEDevice Boston conference! You can source the solutions you need today at BioMEDevice Boston, as well as find out more about MedTech technology that is changing the trajectory of the industry.

Come discuss how to bring the next generation of consumer health and medical devices to market with us at Booth 834.

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