NEPDC Awarded $50K for Small Business Startups

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The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), through its Office of Investment and Innovation (OII), Office of Native American Affairs, Office of Veterans Business Development, and its federal partners consisting of the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, and the Department of Education, announced New England Pediatric Device Consortium (NEPDC) as 1 of 68 winners across the country in the third annual Growth Accelerator Fund Competition.

“The SBA Growth Accelerator Fund is an incredible opportunity for our consortium to ensure that important products for children get to market. Developing pediatric medical devices has long been seen as risky and uncertain for businesses and investors, but through the existing FDA Pediatric Device Consortia program, we have worked with New Hampshire small businesses and businesses across the country to commercialize products that fulfill unmet needs in pediatric medicine and caregiving”, says Richard Greenwald, PhD, Co-Director of NEPDC.

NEPDC was formed three years ago as a non-profit, multidisciplinary consortium with a goal of helping inventors accelerate the commercialization of pediatric medical devices.

“We congratulate the New England Pediatric Device Consortium in being selected for this award and look forward to collaborating with this exceptional group,” stated New Hampshire SBA district director Greta Johansson.  “We are happy to have this opportunity to support the consortium’s efforts throughout New England which ultimately serve to advance the innovators who improve pediatric care throughout the world.”

NEPDC fosters commercialization by connecting innovators with an extensive network of clinicians, researchers, technologists, and business development specialists located at institutions throughout New England. NEPDC member institutions include Simbex, an engineering product development company located in Lebanon, Mass General Hospital for Children, The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice (TDI), the Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth (CHaD), CIMIT, and the Institute for Pediatric Innovation. For further information, visit

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