Innovation at Simbex Highlighted by New Hampshire Union Leader

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“Researchers and engineers with great ideas sometimes need help getting their innovations from the concept stage to being a fully marketed product, and that’s where Lebanon’s Simbex comes into play,” writes the New Hampshire Union Leader newspaper.
Simbex CEO and President, Rick Greenwald, is grateful for the work Simbex has been able to achieve and its recognition by the Union Leader. “The value of providing commercialization services is that more technologies end up in clinical use rather than be stuck as a research only item,” says Greenwald.
The influential services and expertise Simbex provides has furthered the success of cutting-edge medical device and consumer health products for a range of companies. “We develop products for commercialization, end-to-end commercialization, de-risking their technology, getting it ready for the commercial market,” continues Greenwald.

By focusing on de-risking products, Simbex’s services allow companies to advance from the research and development stage into commercialized products for consumer use. For many young companies, the service Simbex is able to provide is unmatched and invaluable.
Simbex is honored to be recognized by the Union Leader for our work New Hampshire and beyond. “There is an incredibly strong ecosystem in the Upper Valley around medical technology and technical innovation in general,” Greenwald notes. “It really lends itself to collaborative work.”
Click here to read the full article, or the entire edition of the New Hampshire Union Leader can be found by clicking here. The section on Simbex can be found staring on page 34.